YR-sensor not working

Since yesterday, or so, my yr-sensor is no longer working as it should.

I checked the “home-assistant.log” and found :
ERROR (MainThread) [metno] https://aa015h6buqvih86i1.api.met.no/weatherapi/locationforecast/1.9/ returned 203

I then did a quick google on met.no and error 203 and found :

203 Non-Authorative Information - The product version you are attempting to use is deprecated. Please consult the product documentation page for information on how to use the upgraded product. Deprecated products are EOL’s after a certain period of time - this date is available in the product documentation

Is there anyway to update the yr-sensor or is it something that needs to be flagged for update?
Is the error related to something else?

Thanks in advance

What version are you on? There was a fix for yr on 0.111.4:

Apparently I am on version : 0.96.5

I am running a Rasbian version of Linux and then running Hassbian for the Home-Assistant.
I noticed that the person developing Hassbian stopped doing this in november 2019 :frowning:

I’ll have to see if I can update manually somehow.