Z-Bee Duo USB+WiFi+Lan+Hat CC2652P zigbee adapter

Hi all, i renewed my Z-Bee repository with a new look. There can find details about my 4 mode CC2652P zigbee adapter: USB+WIFI+LAN+RaspberryHAT:

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Hello Giovanni, sorry to bother you ?

Where can I buy your adapter ? I tried to buy in Tindie but is always out of stock :frowning: I want to buy 4 (1 coordinator and 3 routers) Wi-Fi adapters

Best regards and thank you for your time,
Miguel Moreno

Hi, Z-Bee-Duo will be available again in September. Thank you for your interest.

Hello Giovanni, thank you so much for your answer. can you please share it here after they are available ?

Please Giovanni don’t forget about me. I really need your product, the idea is amazing :star_struck: