Z-NET network controller integration

I have five Z-NET controllers with Homeseer firmware ver. 1.0.25 and static IPs assigned. My question is how would I expose these to a HA that is on the same network?

I have looked into the z-wave integration/Homeseer integration, and it seems to me that requires USB z-wave sticks connected to the HA.

The controllers are currently connected to a Homeseer hub via the network and have many devices connected to each controller. This is all currently working using the z-wave plugin in Homeseer.

I have looked into pulling the Json info from the Homeseer and using REST API to control the devices from HA. Also, I have looked into MQTT broker and setting up a custom WebSocket. These all seem like complicated solutions for the total number of devices on this network to allow HA access to them.

I am looking for the simplest solution possible as I believe I have overlooked it. Please advise and thank you for your time.

RTFM :slightly_smiling_face:
and take look on this:


Thank you for the documentation. I have proceeded with this but ran into another error. A post below will have the details.

Investigating port forwarding, this maybe the cause of my problem here - This should not be an issue as all devices are on the same network.

Using the provided document I have added z-wave JS UI into my add-ons and attempted to locate a controller by serial port tcp://192.168.1.xx:2001.

I generated random keys for each field and get this error when saving settings and running.

2024-07-17T17:39:15.585Z DRIVER   version 12.12.4
2024-07-17T17:39:15.585Z DRIVER   
2024-07-17T17:39:15.590Z DRIVER   Serial port errored: The socket closed unexpectedly! (ZW0100)
2024-07-17 12:39:15.591 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Driver: Serial port errored: The socket closed unexpectedly! (ZW0100)
2024-07-17 12:39:15.592 INFO Z-WAVE: Restarting client in 15 seconds, retry 13
2024-07-17 12:39:16.594 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Driver: Failed to initialize the driver: ZWaveError: The driver is not ready or has been destroyed (ZW0103)
    at Driver.ensureReady (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:2895:10)
    at Driver.sendMessage (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:5494:8)
    at ZWaveController.queryCapabilities (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/controller/Controller.ts:1008:37)
    at Driver.initializeControllerAndNodes (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:1481:46)
    at Immediate.<anonymous> (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:1282:16) (ZW0100)

I am unsure if this is due to the existing Homeseer also currently using all the controllers, or maybe the controllers have pre-generated ‘Keys’ that I am unaware about. I assumed the keys are only used by JS UI.

Anyone know why I either get connection refused or socket closed unexpectedly?

You can’t have HomeSeer and Home Assistant connected to the Z-Net at the same time. You can disable Z-Wave in HSx without shutting it down. You can switch back and forth as you wish, but only one application can communicate with the controller at the same time.

The keys have to match the controller, you can’t generate random keys unless you’ve never used that Z-Wave feature in HomeSeer (like the S2 keys). HomeSeer is using the keys as well, they are not just “Z-Wave-JS UI”. They are integral to Z-wave. It’s how communications is encrypted to ensure just anyone can’t control your Z-wave network.

You’ll need to get the keys from the HomeSeer ini file. If you are using S2 you’ll need to export the keys using the HomeSeer UI as they are encrypted in the file. Check the HomeSeer forum, there are many discussions about this migration process.

Once connected in Home Assistant, it will take a while importing all the Z-Wave nodes and updating parameters. Watch the Z-Wave-JS UI log.

Tip: You are missing some of the basics. Spend more time reading and understanding the documentation. If it’s unclear, read it again.

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I am working with Legacy Z-Wave plugin in HS.

I have found the ini with the single legacy key. I failed to find information on if it is encrypted but looking at the 30 char key I wouldn’t think so. I planned on adding it with the leading zeros. It seems there is little information available on the legacy zwave HS direct conversion to HA.

Before I ‘try and see’ I was checking to see if Generating the other non-legacy keys then add the s0 legacy key in JS UI would be sufficient to get these controllers to talk with HA while HS is turned off?

If you aren’t using any S2 devices then the single S0 key should be enough. As you stated, you’ll need to format the hex correctly for Home Assistant from HomeSeer.

That should be all you need as you mentioned. You can generate the non-legacy keys in Z-wave-JS UI.

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