Z Sticks Gen5 / Z wave everspring Gen5 (are they the same)

Hi, I’m about to embark on setting up a zwave automation home (I hope) and I’m falling at the first hurdel.
I see there “might” be two types of Zwave sticks, as in my heading
There is this

And this

Both z sticks and both Gen 5’s but they seem to look different, but do they do the same job, what if anything is different
Also I’m a total novice, is this this not for a beginner, any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
ps there is a third option too, this. Wow this is complicated

Is there a manual for HA ?

You’ll find the “manual” here and here.

In terms of sticks, there are many choices - there’s the list of known good devices for a start. I’d highly advise a Z-Wave+ controller, which depends on what OS (and hardware) you’re using it on. As I’m using a Raspberry Pi, I’ve taken the simple approach and the Razberry Z-Wave+ board.

Watch too that this is still an early release (hence the version number well under 1.x). You’ll find that each major upgrade (such as 0.40.x to 0.41.x) runs the risk of breaking something. That’s not a problem as long as you’re willing to invest the time, search the forum before posting, and be willing to put up with things being broken from time to time :wink: