Z-wave associations driving me slightly mad

I’m trying to create an association between a Secure SRT 321 thermostat and one channel of a Fibaro FGS223 double relay box… And I can’t work out how to do it.

(For clarity, I have two thermostats and I want to control two heating zone valves. I want the thermostats to be able to have associations with the appropriate fibaro relay channel so i’m not relying on HA to make do the switching).

Using the z-wave panel in HA I can create an association between one of the thermostats and a TKB plug… that works just fine. However when it comes to the Fibaro dual relay unit the HA panel doesn’t differentiate between multiple nodes in a physical unit. So I can’t associate one thermostat with one relay, which I need to do.

I’ve drawn a blank in HA because of interface limitations at this time.

I’ve tried OZWCP having found threads here that suggest using the “Set Association” option. However this option doesn’t appear to exist.

So I’ve drawn a blank there too.

My next option is to try something else entirely, such as Domoticz… but it seems a bit nuts that I should have to do this.

If anyone can point me to some docs that explain how I might achieve what I want. I’m comfortable poking around in a CLI (even if i don’t know what I’m doing)… I just don’t know where to start with this.

I’ve spent a bit more time playing with this and, for clarity, can confirm it’s easy to create a working association between either of my SRT321 thermostats and channel 1 of the FGS-223. I currently have both of the thermostats controlling channel 1… which isn’t ideal.

The problem I face is whilst HA understands there are multiple entities on the Fibaro device node, I can only choose the device itself when creating an association, so I end up with an association to channel 1.

I’m not sure why you are using association to control the switch but if you are having trouble with controlling a double relay, why not just get two single switches.

I want to use association because I don’t want heating control to be reliant on HA running, so going through some automation is a bad idea. Sure I can get two singles… but I’ve got a double. Buying different hardware, which is probably what I’ll end up doing because I like to take the easy route, doesn’t exactly fix this. There are circumstances where the double Fibaro modules will fit and two single modules will not.

I think I can understand why you can’t create two separate associations. There will only be a single z wave radio in the switch.

That doesn’t fit at all with my understanding of how z wave works. Besides, I can create two separate associations… I just can’t chose which association group to use.

You may be right. Although I have a number of z wave associations, I don’t have anything like the double switch. Before you do go mad, you might want to check with Fibaro support to make sure it is possible.

Sadly Fibaro don’t seem to provide support for this sort of thing outside of their own platform, which is fair enough I suppose. Looks like the say the groups work on the fibaro device is that they don’t really. That or something’s changed in OZW. Either way, I’m going to try something else.

I must assume that you have some reason for not hard wiring a switch or relay to control the valves. When a switch fails to trigger a light or switch in my situation (and they do occasionally), it is annoying but not a hardship. Failing to trigger a zone valve could be.

What I’m trying to do is fairly simple. I want remote control of a heating system, and as a bonus be able to graph how often the heating is being called. There are a few ways I could achieve this, but… I also want to be able to revert what I’ve done. Easiest thing would have been to buy the secure thermostat with a relay built in and leave everything else the same… However I’m now making the best of what I have. It looks like the issue I’ve run into is a Fibaro compatibility issue.

Did you find out how to make the association to the second switch?
I have the same problem with a WALLC-S remote and an Aeotec ZW140 dual switch. I could associate only one of the switches when I was running Domoticz by entering 11.1 (my node id is 11 and this points to the first switch) but in HA I can only select the node in the drop down. The effect for me is that I control both switches in the Aeotec device at the same time…

Either OZW can’t do this any more or the Horstmann/secure thermostats I have can’t associate with a group in that way.

OZWCP doesn’t have any of the necessary options. Although Domoticz appears to have the functionality, it just doesn’t work. I needed to associate with, say, group 14.3 and it just created an association with 14.

I just gave up and bought a second relay module.