Short question: Is the associations settings in the Home-Assistant Z-wave Control Panel not fully supported?
From what I’ve read, you’re supposed to being able to set the association to specific “parts” of a node, not just the entire node (how it is in hass z-wave network manager right now).
Long question (with my issue, suggestions are welcome!):
I’m trying to setup an association between my fibaro motion sensor and a fibaro double relay switch. Currently I just have a simple automation turning the lights on when movement and turning them off when the motion sensor state have been Off for X minutes. I’m not quite satisfied with the delay of this setup (it takes 1-2 seconds for S1 channel to turn on, and sometimes up to 10 seconds for S2 channel to turn on), so I started reading on Z-Wave associations and thought I might give it a try. However, in Hass I’m only able to choose which node to control, but nothing else. This makes me believe it will not work as intended. I also got the understanding that it should be possible to just set it to one of the channels on the double relay switch, but this is not possible. I can just choose the entire node.
Bonus question: At my current setup I have one automation for daytime (turning boths relays on) and one for night time (only turning on one of the relays). Is this possible to do using associations?