I have a a few hard-wired Z-wave devices (light switches, dimmers, plugs) that work great using Zwave JS and zwavejs2mqtt. Very snappy controls and updates on their sensors. I recently added two battery-powered devices, a Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor and an ecolink leak detector. They work great after including them on my network. However, after a little while they mostly stop updating. They just show their last state. I restarted, and now their sensors mostly just show unavailable.
It’s weird because a few sensors are still reporting. For example, the leak detector is reporting “Low battery level” as normal. And when I opened its case, it reported “Was Unsafe”. So it’s able to talk to the hub. It’s just not sending updates on everything.
I have tried excluding and then re-adding them. Again, they work great for a little while and then become mostly unresponsive. Seems like they’re going to sleep and no longer sending updates. Any thoughts about what’s going on here?