I’ve read the z-wave alliance docs and there’s all sorts of devices compatible
i have a 500 series UZB1 controller, which quietus fine under HA and z.wave.me server , but can you recommend a z wave boiler switch please, single channel to operate my gas boiler power supply.
The answer comes down to how this works exactly - the wiring, the connectors, voltage level, ac or dc, is there a switch inside the boiler unit or something on the wall, etc.
There are all kinds of different designs and mechanisms, after all.
it is a standard boiler switch/programmer currently. as found in many non smart homes.
has a programner display and buttons, two lefs for manual or auto, two buttons for MAN and AUTO and a backplate with 4 terminal connections, 240v live and neutral from mains box, and the switched live and neutral supply to the boiler.
very standard
very typical
i simply ask for recommendations for a zvwave boiker switch and I’m not bothered about the programmer …i will do that in HA
no i didn’t know.
i googled your reply and examined the kit. very impressive but a lot more than i need
thank you for the recommendation…if i had a few devices that works be my choice👍