Z-wave configuration


I have just installed Hassbian 1.23 on raspberry pi 3. All well. Home assistant 0.46 version is installed.

I need to setup Z-wave.

I installed libudev-dev dependency as per Z-wave instructions:

The question is. Do I need to install those scripts bellow? Description says it’s not needed after 0.46

OpenZWave-pip (install_openzwave-pip.sh)
This script should not be needed after Home Assistant 0.46 since it’s intergrated in Home Assistant.

Install OpenZWave (install_openzwave.sh)
This script should not be needed after Home Assistant 0.46 since python-openzwave has been intergrated in Home Assistant and a Z-Wave configuration panel will be available to accommodate thoose who needs the OZWCP functionality.

Thank you