Z Wave Device Name Won't Update

I have been working to migrate z wave devices from my wink hub to my new z stick. I have had success with all devices so far except a GE 12730 Fan Control Switch. I can get the switch into HA, but when I rename the device in openzwave control panel, it will not update in home assistant. It shows as light.ge_12730_fan_control_switch_level_8_0. When I pull up the openzwave control panel my updated name (Bedroom Fan) still shows up their. Is this an easy fix? Here are things I’ve tried already: unpairing the devices, rebooting, repairing the device, rebooting; factory reset zstick, unpair, reboot, pair, reboot; fresh installation with HASSbian.


Have you tried renaming it in HA?

Yea sure I can change the friendly name in customize, but I’d rather not have to refer to light.ge_12730_fan_control_switch_level_8_0 in my automations. I’d like it to say light.bedroom_fan_8_0. that’s the way all my other zwave devices show up.

Have you copied the updated .xml from zwcp to HA or do you have a symlink?

Good question! I’m fairly certain that Hassbian automatically sets up a symlink. All of my other device names update as I change and save them in ozwcp.

Sorry, I should have been clearer. In HA there’s an option to rename Z-Wave devices. Look under Services, Z-Wave, and you’ll find Rename Node. You can use that to rename a node and that will update the appropriate configuration files.

Damn that worked. Thanks!!!

Is this a common thing that you need to do with z wave devices, or only when ozwcp changes don’t migrate over?

Well, if you’re using HA, make all your changes through HA if possible. It sounds though like your ozwcfg*.xml file used by HA isn’t the same as the one being used by OZWcp.