I recently upgraded to 2023.10.5 and started experiencing some annoying issues with my z-wave devices.
At a given time, every 5 minutes, all devices were reported unavailable in HA. Then after a second or two back to normal again. This was going on at a constant interval.
This triggered ofcourse a lot of my automations, pushover notifications, emails etc… So I had to disable all that while troubleshooting.
No direct error message in the HA logs that could give me an indication of what was going on.
I actually went so far to buy a new z-wave stick and migrated all my devices (approx 50) to the new stick. Same issue.
I was running HA 2023.10.5, z-wave js ui 9.3.1 z-wave-js 12.2.3 and Aeotec Gen5 usb stick, HA as a VM in Proxmox. My z-wave network has been performing very well, no issues what so ever until this specific version 2023.10.5.
I was never able to figure out what caused it, but upgraded to 2023.11.0 today and no issues so far.
Just an fyi if anyone else is experiencing the same issues.
I did a lot of search, but could not find someone reporting the exact same issues as I experienced.
This is the first time I have experienced issues with z-wave in HA for many years. So I was actually certain it had to be the z-wave stick as it has some years in service.
The outcome was a new z-wave stick, and one in backup