Z-Wave devices behaving oddly after 2022.9.2 & 2022.9.3 Updates

My Z-WaveJS network decided to throw a tantrum the other night for no apparent reason. Suddenly devices that have been stable and responsive for months, if not years, decided to stop turning on or off or reporting back.

It appears that something happened after 09:30 on 14th Sept, as every Z-Wave device that was used from that point on decided to do their own thing.

I did an update on the Z-WaveJS libraries to move to addon_core_zwave_js_0.1.69 about 10 days ago (6th Sept). Only other changes to the system have been core updates - core_2022.9.2 and core_2022.9.3 that were done the morning of 14th Sept.

Now devices are reporting random names - one wall plug is now identifying itself as n )G>RU" and regularly dropping off the network. Manual on & off seems to calm them down for a while, but they eventually start behaving oddly again.

These are older Z-Wave devices - not Plus, mostly from TKBHome, but several Fibaro RGBW controllers are also being ‘twitchy’. All show up in integrations and list the appropriate data fields/controls, but data is either wrong or controls are unresponsive.

Anyone else with older devices having issues?

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All of my devices stopped working around the 9.2 update, plus and older. I’ve tried healing, cold power cycle and neither work. Names haven’t changed and the UI reports all are happy but cannot control any z-wave devices and automations aren’t working with them.

I have also been having issues. You need to be on the J-wave JS 0.1.70 add-on as well as HA 9.0 or later. Then you need to re-interview your devices. Beware though, some will change the way they work. My door sensors for instance, did not reconfigure in the same way. If you have a back-up it might be simpler to go back to HA 8.7 and Z-Wave JS 0.1.65

There is a driver fix for some devices, like door sensors, that is not included in the add-ons yet.

Try to reinterview the devices. This may fix them. I had to do all of mine recently.

Hi - Having issues adding Fibaro and Aeotec Door / Window sensors with J-wave 0.1.70 and 2022.9.4
using Z-Wave JS.

The Closed state is showing as Window / closed but open as 22.

Is this a know issue and part of a future JS update

Yes, that’s what is fixed.

Thanks good news :slight_smile: do you know ETA and version by any chance ?

No, I don’t maintain the add-ons.