Z Wave devices not responding or responding very slow

Installed a new Motion Sensor and now all my zwave devices are very slow (more than 20 seconds. The light dimmers are even slower or not working. I only have about I have clicked the Heal network, but not sure it is working? I have tried excluding the Motion Sensor and then adding it back but results are the same. Going to let it set overnight, but looking for suggestions.

Problem Solved. For those interested, I installed a Linear WAPIRZ-1 and my Z-Wave devices became slow and some unresponsive. I thought it was the WAPIRZ and perform Remove Node/Add Node on the WAPIRZ several times with no success. What I eventually discovered was a Leviton DZ6HD Dimmer somehow was corrupted when I added the WAPIRZ. I could restart HA and all Z-Wave devices worked fine until I tried to use the DZ6HD Dimmer. When I tried to use it all other Z-Wave devices became slow/unresponsive. I Remove Node the DZ6HD and Add Node and it showed up as Unknown. Tried Remove/Add several times with no success. Finally did a Remove Node, Factory Reset, Add Node on the Dimmer and it solved the problem.