Z-Wave events missing

It seems at some point, that the Z-Wave events disappeared after an upgrade.
I see no documentation of a change and this page still documents them: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/events/

I don’t see them in my developer events view and automation based on these never triggers.

Any clue as to what might be wrong?


I use the “zwave.network_ready” event in an automation and mine is working fine on v97.2.

Thank you. At least I now know that it’s supposed to work.

Any ideas as to what might be wrong in my setup? Any “hidden” configuration like with deconz groups, where I had to manually edit core.config_entries to enable groups.

No, as far as I know as long as your zwave system is running ok you should be able to use the events.

try posting the automation that isn’t working. Maybe the problem is there and not with the events.

In the developer tools / event page, I don’t see the events listed. If I listen for any Z-Wave event on that page, I get no hits…

But my Z-Wave works (I can set lights, trigger automation based on lights and switches).

Sure, here’s some automation that never triggers:

- alias: Z-Wave network is starting
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave.network_start
    - service: notify.telegram_xxx
        message: "Z-Wave start"

- alias: Z-Wave network is stopping
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave.network_stop
    - service: notify.telegram_xxx
        message: "Z-Wave stop"

- alias: Z-Wave node event
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave.node_event
    - service: notify.telegram_xxx
        message: "Z-Wave node event"

- alias: Test Z-Wave scene activated
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave.scene_activated
    - service: notify.telegram_xxx
        message: "Z-Wave scene activated"

Thanks :slight_smile:

The last two automations aren’t complete. You need to add some information on which node entity or scene you want to listen for.

As for the first two, I think those are correct so I’m not sure why they wouldn’t be working.

Do you see those automations listed in the states page?

No, you’re right, I don’t see the last automations. They were recent additions, just to see if I could get any sort of Z-Wave event to trigger (thought I was catching all with the above). But still, if I listen for zwave.node_event in the developer events page (nor is it listed on the right), I get no matches, no matter how many buttons I push or motion sensors I trigger :frowning:

I am no python, nor HA developer expert, so I am quite puzzled as to what is wrong with my setup. Obviously the events must be fired, from my understanding of how HA works, but it seems like they’re swallowed, before I ever get a chance to inspect them. It seems odd.

I have Z-Wave configured via configuration.yaml (just zwave: and network_key: - but all nodes are added unencrypted, so far) and I have an Aeotec Z-stick Gen 5, running on a NUC with Hass.io on top of Ubuntu LTS.

Has this been resolved? I am also getting no z-wave events on hass.bus. Z-wave work but no events are triggered :frowning:

I never did anything, but it is working now.

Ok, can you please share example how to capture zwave events in python?

I use this method but it does not gave any output.

I imported constants like this:

from homeassistant.components.zwave.const import (

then in python custom_components script I am set up listener:

hass.bus.listen(EVENT_NODE_EVENT, event_listener)

and printing like this:

def event_listener(event):
        _LOGGER.error('Captured event %s' % event)

however as said, problem is that log does not show any ZWAVE events, it is not even fired , so assuming nothing is in the bus or my setup is wrong.


Did anyone manage to figure it out? I was using zwave.node_event in several automations, all of which worked fine for a while, but then stopped. I was in the middle of making a new one when I noticed, but I don’t know if that caused it or if it had stopped working earlier.

Now, if I subscribe using the developer tab, no events show. If I subscribe to ‘*’, there are no zwave events even though the state_changed events triggered by the zwave events do fire. Rebooting or restarting don’t improve things.

Thanks for any help!