I have HA 0.103.6 on Hassio 3.7 on a Raspberry Pi 3B.
I have a number of z wave devices running happily via an Aeotec Gen 5 Stick.
Two Fibaro FGS213 switches are reporting as:
FIBARO System Unknown: type=0403, id=3000
Under the Zwave control panel I cannot set any of the Node Config Options. Clicking the drop down box for Node Config Options results in an empty drop down.
What is my next step. I can raise a PR to get id 3000 added but my understanding is that HA has been forked from OpenZWave and this won’t make it into HA?
You might consider submitting a PR to the upstream OZW project so it’s available for OZW 1.6, which HA will eventually use.
As for HA, yes it has forked OZW 1.4, but the last release (0.103) updates were merged. There are also currently some additional outstanding PRs. If the trend continues, and you submit a PR there’s a chance it could make it into a future release.
Did you solve this. I have a strange situation where my Fibaro 213 is not recognized (Unknown: type=0403, id=1000), even if the fgs213.xml files are present and the product config consists and has those parameters (0403, 1000).
Could anyone post the configured section of zwcfg so that I can copy paste the configuration part? I need to reconfigure these nodes, so it would be extremely appreciated!
Is this already fixed? I’m running in the same kind of issue with the FGS-214 now.
I have added an FGS-214 and cannot change the paramaters, but i want to have the module switch my garagedoor (potential free) but right now it isnt switching anything.
I did resolve this. In my install, I was running home assistant on virtualenv on debian 10. The rationale for that and not Docker is because I want to minimize the amount of data necessary for updates because it is all over 4g.
Turned out that it was using a “native” install of openzwave with config files located at /etc/openzwave which did not contain a whole lot of configurations.
After adding files there, I got it to work.
Hi @Jroen and @laffez,
Sorry for the late reply. What I did to fix this for myself was to update my local files like @laffez did but I also raised a PR with the Home Assistant Zware repo: