Installed a GE 46203 Dimmer z-wave wall switch. I have it connected to Aeotec Gen 5 USB hub in home assistant using the z-wave js integration. Enabling parameter 16 (switch mode) only seems to apply for the physical switch. If I turn on the switch from a home assistant button or automation, the switch fades in/out the lights as if switch-mode is off. I have tried toggling switch mode on the switch itself (5 clicks up, 5 clicks down) and same behavior.
Other then just simply calling the “turn_on/off”, is there any other way to remotely trigger the switch without the fade/have it follow the switch-mode parameter?
Unless there are configuration parameters to adjust the ramp rate for z-wave commands, you’ll have to add transition: 0 to the light service calls. Or use light profiles to always make the transition for that entity default to 0.
I have the same problem, with the same smart dimmer switch. Where did you add the transition: 0 for the service call?
The dimmer switch was added as a light entity so I’ve been trying to figure out how to change the transition of the entity but not making any progress.
I’ve been referred to the Light integration but I’m having trouble with where the configuration goes and what it’s supposed to look like.
I did it through the service calls in Node-RED. You can also do it using HA Automations. I did not go the light profile route so not sure what would need to be done to add the transition parameter in the payload.