Z-Wave graph (without the python)

Here you go!


Thanks! I have saved it to my /config/panels folder and restarted HA, but I don’t see any “Tree Layout”, “Neighbors” or “Tools” as in the above picture. My config looks exactly as the one above.

You need to flush your browser cache and do a hard reload. Or add some random parameter to the URL In the config so that the browser does not use the cached version.

Worked, thanks!

it’s in a gist, those are actually repos that you can star and subscribe to. :slight_smile:

Refreshed to version 2.2 - you can now turn grouping off - on a large network this may sometimes increase the clarity of the graph.

I have now got this working but I can see that there is one Z-wave node that is not shown as connected to te network but it works very well.
It is a Telldus switch and I have several of those but this one wont show up in green, but it´s grey.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance - and great tool!

It would be greate if the zwave graph are available at HACS


Hi Nigel, thank you for this nice tool.
I have used it for a few days, but I just noticed a strange thing is happening.
My network is composed of 6 radiator valves and an Aeotec gen 5 stick as a gateway. Since yesterday two valves started to appear as disconnected in Zwavegraph. Then I noticed if I click on the image representig the valve, the popup which opens refers to a completely different valve! For instance, image for valve A, if clicked, points to details of valve B and so on. Every image is coupled to wrong valve detail informations! Am I doing anything wrong? !
Please see the attached picture.

Wrong details picture

+1 for adding this to HACS :grin:


Agree, +1 for HACS

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Same thing happened to me also while renaming all zwave devices. After renaming is complete i did a HA restart and for now everything seems ok.

I tried setting this up on my HassIO VM running 0.101.1, and when I click on the icon for Z-Wave Graph, I just get a blank pane. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to make it work properly?

Thanks for the hint but in my case this did not work…
Still trying to figure out what’s going on!


I’d be happy to use this on my RPi 4 with Hass.io v 0.100.2. Does anyone else use this on Hassio?



Yes. It is simply a HTML file so works on all install types of HA

NIgel says: “Save this file in the panels directory of your HomeAssistant configuration”. I don’t have any other panels, I just use Lovelace. So do I put the directory under <config>?


If you don’t already have a folder under config called ‘panels’, create it and put the file in there.

Then add the config info such as:


panel_custom: !include panel_custom.yaml


  - name: zwavegraph2
    sidebar_title: ZWave Graph2
    sidebar_icon: mdi:access-point-network
    url_path: zwave

Please add this to HACS:slight_smile:


I would be ever so grateful if someone would make a similar map for ZHA. It’s such an invaluable tool to troubleshoot your network!

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