Hello All,
I recently am trying my third USB z wave stick. The other 2 were well known names and/but I ended up sending them back bc I did not get anywhere at all, with this 3rd attempt I have seem some progress that tells me I should be on if and when Wink ceases to exist.
I do have a question though that I need some advice on. The only device I have included so far is a simple Schage door/window sensor with the reed type switch, the 2 piece magnet type.
I have it in the system alright and have all the same functionality I had with Wink,…and then some and this is where I need help. I have all these extra functions or entitites that I do not know what they are for or how to use them, there is no documentation.
The simple sensor gave me all this that i se as extra:
Binary_sensor - which I use as normal
sensor.alarm_level - ??
sensor.alarm_type - ??
battery_level - easy to work out !
sensor.burglar - ?? I get this but how is it differentiated from the binary_sensor and how to implement
sensor.node - I get this has to do with the z wave system inits entirety, or at least as I understand it
zzzzz - I get this one, tells me its sleeping lol
Some of the entity names and their values are documented here: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/entities
Thank you, good info to read up on!