Z-Wave Hosts Becoming Unavailable


Experiencing a strange issue with a handful of my Z-Wave nodes. I am running HA 20229.5 with Z-Wave JS 0.1.71. Driver version is 10.1.0 and Server Version is 1.22.1.

Some of my Z-Wave hosts showed as unavailable in my dashboards, and when reviewing my devices, I see that they changed their name to Node64 or similar.

Reviewing my Z-Wave JS add-on logs, I see the following:

2022-09-19T12:18:40.587Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:18:40.685Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:18:40.799Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:18:40.886Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:19:10.587Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:19:40.587Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:20:10.586Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da

Does anyone know what is going on and how to resolve this?

I believe that is a known bug in zwavejs v10.

I’m not saying it is but it sounds similar.

Sounds close enough. So if I did a reinterview and zwjs figured out the manufacturer, etc., I can consider those fixed and rename the entities to their original values, right? Anything that didn’t work, post the logs.

Does that sound about right?

TBH, I’m not really sure.

I tried updating my zwavejs2mqtt docker stand-alone and it broke some stuff. I reverted back and I haven’t tried updating again yet.

But from the issue thread I can definitely say…maybe?.. :man_shrugging:


I appreciate it! I’ll add some logs to the issue and see what happens.