Experiencing a strange issue with a handful of my Z-Wave nodes. I am running HA 20229.5 with Z-Wave JS 0.1.71. Driver version is 10.1.0 and Server Version is 1.22.1.
Some of my Z-Wave hosts showed as unavailable in my dashboards, and when reviewing my devices, I see that they changed their name to Node64
or similar.
Reviewing my Z-Wave JS add-on logs, I see the following:
2022-09-19T12:18:40.587Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:18:40.685Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:18:40.799Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:18:40.886Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:19:10.587Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:19:40.587Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
2022-09-19T12:20:10.586Z DRIVER dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unexpected meter type or corrupted da
Does anyone know what is going on and how to resolve this?