Z-Wave icon?

Does anyone know how to use the z-wave icon in a customization? I can’t find it at the material design site.


I completely overlooked it. Is the the nfc icon:

icon: mdi:nfc

I realize you have a solution but since the title is in reference to the z-wave icon I’m replying with the correct z-wave icon. mdi:z-wave is the icon for z-wave

Has this icon been added recently?

I am not sure which version of material they added the icon. I use an iframe panel with the configuration of:

  title: MDI Icon Index
  icon: mdi:material-design
  url: https://cdn.materialdesignicons.com/3.3.92/

This allows me to see the icons available in home assistant. As home assistant updates the version support you can just adjust the path of the url.