The installed z-wave usb stick has been running just fine until I decided to reconfigure the z-wave JS in the HA. After such my HA no longer able to control any of my z-wave devices. I’ve tried to reinstall both z-wave and z-wave JS add-on. I can’t reestablish controls to my devices. I suspect the devices need to re-added to the network. Can I do it remotely? The HA server is in my farm (2 hrs drive).
First step: Ask someone there to just pull the USB stick and insert it back, many times this solves issues.
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I’ve rebooted the HA several times already.
I believe the HA is seeing all the z-wave devices. How ever, when I go to operate the device (perform on/off) that’s when I get the error. I’m wondering if I can perform re-installation of the devices (not the USB) remotely.
I’m a newbie to HA. In the process of learning I broke the z-wave control. I think if I can do a remote re-install of the devices. I might be able to get the z-wave devices working again.