Z-wave Js and Zigbee on HA

So I am loving Home Assistant. and thought after checking out I wanted to move my home automation over from smart things to Home Assistant. I like having the local thing going on. So I knew I wanted to do this slowly, a piece at a time. Glad I did. Here is what I am not getting. Using Nortek, zwave/zigbee stick on virtual box home assistant, on windows 10 machine. trying the zwave js intergration since other is not suggested for the future. Problem is I can get all my zibee/zwave devices connected, at least the few I have tried. but any battery powered devices eventually go to sleep, takes several hours then I lose them. So my motions etc., won’t work anymore. If I uninstall zwave js and reinstall I can get them working, but have to relabel my devices and entities. I am kind of a newbie so what am I missing. Please help and use English. lol

The Nortek device isn’t really good at doing both zwave and Zigbee IMO. I moved my zwave network to the aerotec ZWave stick and used the Nortek for Zigbee only. Resolved a lot of issues I was having similar to yourself. Just my $0.02.

I’ll keep this in mind. I was thinking it was something I didn’t do, I feel like I’m not code savvy, learn and research enough, to get what I need to do done. I would feel better if it’s I just bought the wrong hardware. I will see if I get a better solution, if not. I totally get it. Thanks for replying. First time I have posted here. sure it won’t be the last. lol $0.02 apricated. lol

I have also seen several posts that recommend putting a USB extension cable on your Zigbee controller to reduce interference caused by the USB port itself, appears to be more of an issue with USB3. Also since Zigbee and WiFi use the same 2.4Ghz band it is best to have the controller a distance away from your WIFi Access point.

I am not using the same controller but having the extension cable and relocating my controller to a better location solved my issues. BTW I am running the latest version of Zigbee2MQTT and it’s been great.

Also running Zwavejs2mqtt with the ZwaveJS integration and it took me a little to get it setup. I started several months ago before the ZwaveJS integration and some devices were not properly supported or I had to find the right device reset sequence. But the ZwaveJS solution has come along way and everything works well.

I’m fairly new to this are the mqtt versions of zigbee and zwavejs things that you run in conjunction with the original integrations of zigbee and zwavejs. Or would I just use zigbee 2mqtt alone and abandon the zigbee integration I’ve already started using. I’m interested in using the mqtt side of things so I want to be sure I’m not doing double work

I am running ZigBee2MQTT on a separate Raspberry Pi under Docker. Run ZwaveJS2MQTT on the same Pi. I did this because my HA is in the Basement and was not idea for coverage.

In the case of Zigbee2MQTT that’s all you need, besides of course the MQTT Broker. You just check the flag for Home Assistant integration in the settings and devices will automatically be created in HA.

For Zwave. I disabled the creation of devices in HA by MQTT but did enable the ZwaveJS Server. Both configuration options in Zwavejs2MQTT. For this setup I did require the HA ZwaveJS Integration. I went this route because of where I started (before the ZwaveJS Integration) and where I ended (taking advantage of the ZWaveJS Events for door actions).

I have not tried but I think both of these options can be installed in the Supervisor by adding the repositories if you plan to install them local to HA.

Not sure which ZigBee option is the best I can only say I had better success with the ZigBee2MQTT.

So, I tried to switch over. Zwave2mqtt working great. Zigbe2mqtt not so much. Are you using nortek stick? I don’t think it’s supported, unless there is a configuration thing I’m not understanding.

I am using this one,

The list of supported adapters can be found here.