Hi, I’m new in Home Assistant, this mean my topic should be… stupid.
I have some zwave devices not correctly managed by z-wave js.
I already opened a issue in GitHub z-wave JS to inform about this problem and support told me that in next version the problems will be solved.
In my Home Assistant the Z-wave JS integration is in version 8.4.1.
In GitHub Z-Wave JS the current version is 8.7.2.
I asked to Z-wave JS support when the new version of the integration will be available in Home Assistant and they told me to ask to the support of Home Assistant.
I’m a little bit confused…
How con have the last version of z-wave JS in my Home Assistant? is it authomatically installed or I must install it?
Thanks a lot for your answers
The zwavejs add-on in HA is managed separately from the official zwavejs version.
it takes time for the add-on to get updated to the latest zwavejs version. Once the add-on gets updated you can update that and you will be good.