Z-wave JS - GoControl Remote Switch

I have this working in the OpenZwaveBeta but when I move over to the new JS i can not get the “event_type”: “zwave_js_event”, to trigger anything

This is what I put in the automation… I have tried several iterations and nothing has worked

type: value_notification
domain: zwave_js
node_id: ‘2,’
home_id: ‘3815677574’
endpoint: ‘null,’
device_id: 85bb5db2f9401827c0bef1472e02f192
command_class: ‘91,’
command_class_name: Central Scene
label: Scene 001
property_name: scene
property_key_name: ‘001’
value: KeyPressed

Hi, I have this switch too and I just moved over to Z-wave JS. I was really frustrated until today, when it suddenly started to respond to zwave_js_event. Did you disable/delete the instance of OpenZwave? I just found that I had an instance of the previous Zwave network running and when I stopped it, it seemed to respond to the events. Now my problem is that when I’m listening for KeyHeldDown event, I am getting the KeyReleased event right away, even before I actually release it.

I disabled the OpenZwave instance and rebooted and it did not work… Does the data I am using to capture the event look like yours?

So, did you get that info by listening to the zwave_js_event using the Dev Tool? Cause that is what I see when I press the button using the Dev Tool, except that the node_id is of course different. If this is the info you are using in your automation, I’m not sure you need all of it. I got my automation to respond with only:

  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_event
      node_id: 6
      property_key_name: "001"
      value: "KeyPressed"

I did get the info from the dev tool… It is working now not sure what I missed although i did mirror your data (way cleaner) Thanks for all the help

That’s great. If I was helpful to you, could you do me a favor? Since you have the same switch, I am seeing some strange behaviour when I hold down the button for a second or two and then release. On the previous zwave platform, I only saw a “KeyHeldDown” and then a “KeyReleased” event when I held down and released the button (or something similar, I believe they may have been denoted by a “1” or a “2” previously). Now, however, I am seeing an immediate “KeyReleased” event coming and then a second “KeyReleased” when I actually release the button. Makes it kind of hard to do my automation properly. I’m thinking of filing a bug report, but I would like to get some confirmation that it’s not just me, that somebody else is seeing this behaviour.

I get the same behaviour you are describing

Awesome, thanks for getting back to me. I’m going to file a bug report.

Just checked mine and can confirm it also sends a KeyReleased event before the key is actually released… good find, thanks!

Thanks. Just filed a bug report.