I just built up a RPi with the latest Home Assistant. I had a years out of date HA running on another RPi using the deprecated z-wave integration and decided rather than just chance the auto conversion process, I’d build up a new system from scratch carefully recreating helpers/automations/etc along with a aeotec gen 7 usb controller. Everything went relatively smooth.
Silly me, I installed the Z-Wave JS (official integration & add-on) and was then presented with the 3rd party Z-Wave JS UI add-on. Reading the document about this new add-on it appears they intend for you to install this first and then install the official integration and suppress installing official Z-Wave JS add-on. The 3rd party doc doesn’t cover the situation where you’ve discovered it after already installing the others.
My questions… Can I make this work given I’ve not done it in the intended order? If so, does the official add-on have to be deleted or can both run at the same time? If I delete the official add-on will all the naming used in automations and entity names go away? To make it more interesting, the controller needs an update and can only be done from the 3rd party add-on.
No, only if you delete the integration. But the integration will re-install the add-on. So you need to follow the instructions above to prevent that.
HA supports controller firmware updates. You don’t need Z-Wave JS UI for that. ZUI has other benefits though, so that may influence your choice.
I never had any succes by using that button on any device…
Works fine for me. Create an issue on GitHub or post another help topic with some details. Your experience is not universal.
OK - the aeotec document says to use the 3rd party add-on to update. However, I followed your advice and updated without the 3rd party via the standard UI. Worked fine.
Now if z-wave nodes will stay on-line. Out of 14 added so far I’ve have two which have reported as inactive (dead) just kind of randomly after working fine. Have 5 more switches/dimmers to add, but want to see some stability before moving more stuff over.
Yes, Aeotec does not include HA in their how-to docs. Also, the functionality was added later than ZUI. Thanks for confirming it (still) works in HA though.