Z-wave JS MQTT, no correct entity under merten push-button

Hello I’ve some trouble with setting up my Merten radio push buttons. In Z-wave JS.
In the Z-Wave JS to MQTT web UI the device is listed and completed the “device interview”

In the debug logs on the z-wave JS to MQTT interface I see the status changes:

In Home assistant under configuration → and the tab Devices I see al my z-wave wall motes back in this list. But under this device only one entity is created. Now I cant make a automation to control something.

Is there a way to insert the entity under this device so I can read out the CurrentValue and make an automation for it?

Thank you very much in advanced!

Did you have any luck?

Yes, since driver version 8.8.0 (installed it today), It is now possible to use the Merten single switch and the Merten double switch as a scene controller.

For me this problem is resolved.

Hi, so you are just able to fetch the event. There is no visual switch on your Dashboard, Right?

How did you get the double switch (Merten 506219) to work? Top left and top right emit the same event. Bottom left and bottom right act the same.

I got two single switches (Merten 506119) to work. But no luck with the double switch :pensive:

Anny hints are welcome. Using the latest Zwave JS Driver, Interview completed.

Greetings Pascal

Hi Pascal,

unfortunately I also can’t make a difference in the left and the right keys in home assistant.

According the developers it isn’t possible to fetch the two keys as different entities.

But what I did with the double switch:

I made a association between the Merten switch groep 1 (left key) to home assistant, and association group 3 (right key) to another z-wave device directly.
(I have to say, to make the associations in home assistant is a pain)

I my case I can turn on and dim my z-wave garden lights with the right key and turn on my HUE garden lights with te left key.

Be aware that it is only possible to make a direct association with a z-wave device that is incuded unsecured. (It took me some time before I figured that out :sweat_smile:)

Kind regards,

Hey, thanks for your quick reply. A bit ashamed that i answer so late.

Good idea, But that didnt suit me very well. I replaced the Merten switches with Eltako FT55 with Friends of hue Gira/Jung/Merten covers. Fits quite well with the merten switches. Not perfectly but quite well… :wink:

I will use the Merten switches in other rooms in the way you did. Thanks for the hint.

Hello @Julian1, what version are you refering to (version 8.8.0) ?
I’m trying to pull my existing Merten Connect into Home Assistant. I don’t know how to handle the 506219 RF push-buttons. I connected them in Z-Wave JS and see the events. But I can’t even distinguish the twe switches. It there any way to auto-discover them?

Hi Holger, Version 8.8.0 was the z-wave JS version at the time this post created. Currently I’am on version 12.0.0.
As far as I can see it is still not possible to distinguish the two left en right switches.

depending which side you associate with home assistant (association group 1, the left keys and association group 2 the right keys)

You can distinguish the top button and bottom button to set basic event on Endpoint 0, when you create a event.
Value 0 is the bottom button, and value 255 is the top button.

In the attachment is a screenShot of one of my events. double switches and single switches events are about the same:

Hope this helps and sorry for the late response.
