This is a blueprint for the Nodon Z-Wave remotes (Octan and Soft) wth Z-Wave JS.
Based on @gsemet blueprint, I added support for double/long/release press and the Octan remote
This is a blueprint for the Nodon Z-Wave remotes (Octan and Soft) wth Z-Wave JS.
Based on @gsemet blueprint, I added support for double/long/release press and the Octan remote
Thanks, I still use old Z-wave integration so can’t use your blueprint, but good to know there is one for the future.
This blueprint is working perfect. Initially it refused to work but as a result of some research I discovered that the parameter “Scene Type” was set to “Activation” by the factory, not by me. After I changed is to “Central Scene” it works. Thanks a lot for this blueprint!
Hi all
I’m new to HA so please excuse my lack of competence.
I have added my Nodon Soft Remote without any problems (I hope)
I can see the logs when I press the buttons.
When I try to use this Blueprint I get “No matching devices found”.
Any hints on what I’m doing wrong?
You have to check if the device match this:
integration: zwave_js
manufacturer: ID-RF
Thank you.
How can I find this info?
if I look under “devices” it says manufacturer: ID-RF, integration: z-wave
I’m running Z-Wave JS
that’s weird, try to remove line 10 to 13 https://github.com/Aohzan/hass-blueprints/blob/87209ae2617b8523e5779a02214a19a946252ed6/blueprints/nodon-zwave-remote.yaml#L10-L13
Sorry, I get the same result.
“No matching devices found”
Hi guys. Just wanted to give you all an update.
I tried the original blueprint again and suddenly the remote show up! I have done the exact thing like 10 times!
Now everything work as intended, with the original instructions and blueprint!