I am unable to get Z-wave JS to load the config parameters for a Kwickset 910. The node is alive and the device config recognizes as a Kwick set 910, but will not load any parameters, results in unablt to control the device or show its status. Have Loaded, excluded, reloaded, rest the entire device and the Aeotec Z-stick gen 5, all to no help. Running on Raspeberry Pi 3b.
ANy help much appreciated. Greg
Have you tried the Keymaster add-on?
Never heard of Keymaster, found it, went that whole process, looks like it should control the lock codes? anyway all the code slots show unavailable, so no help
Try unpairing the lock from HA, then do a factory reset on it and re-pair. When you pair the lock, use Legacy security.
I have a quickset, not that model though. I have the 888
How do use Legacy Security? Z wave JS automatically populates the jo and J2 parameters if they are left blank.
Omg, I just figured it out, I didn’t realize you could add device through HA, been doing it manually! I’m at a different house / system today but will try it on the locks in the next couple days, I’m certain that it will work with the correct security! Thanks for responding, helping
He might just have to re-interview the node → I have 2 of these locks and I did have an issue where it paired once and did not configure itself correctly during the interview process
Also, I can confirm they only use S0 security as they are outdated
Yes, i was manually pairing with a aeotec z stick 5, no security. I finally realized I can pair it through HA. I’m sure that should fix it