Z-Wave JS on new HA - Device ID 'holes'

I am new to the whole HA arena (moving over from HomeSeer - or hoping to).

I am running HA on an HP t620 ThinClient (under Debian 11) and according to all of the screens - everything is up. This past weekend, I built it all from scratch again - as I really wanted WiFi. I installed a new INTEL WiFi card to the t620 and removed the Broadcom.

After installing SSH & WebTerminal, File Editor, Log Viewer, Samba Server and Studio Code Server - I installed Maria DB and switch over to that.

Then I installed the Z-Wave JS and plugged in my ZOOZ ZST10-700 by Silicon Labs USB device. I am able to INCLUDE Z-Wave devices with no problems. I have been doing some reading, and a couple of questions:

  1. I appear to have a couple of Device IDs missing (#3 and #4). The ZOOZ is #1, and I did perform an EXCLUDE and then INCLUDE twice and it appear that once a Device ID is used and then EXCLUDED - you cannot use it again (it was the same way in HomeSeer). Is there a way to either “defrag/compress” these - so that I do not have the gaps…or manually change an existing Device ID to one of the holes?

  2. I am seeing that there appear to be polling issues with Battery Items - which was one of my biggest complaints about my HomeSeer setup. Keeping up with the Battery Levels of my Schlage Locks and Door/Window sensors. I was reading that the MQTT and Z-Wave option may be the way to go for this?? Opinions? I want to set this all up - ‘best possible’ first thing.

As I have reloaded this about 15 times - while I am testing, have no fear do it again. I have a “working” document for a rapid re-install/setup. I would use the HASS.IO installation if I could figure out what they have done to prevent WiFi from working. :slight_smile:


That’s normal, it’s how Z-Wave works. Only the controller assigns node IDs. Either a) hard-format your stick and start completely over, b) exclude and re-include a device 200+ times, or like most of us, c) just live with it. The ID is irrelevant.

You can poll values in either z2m or HA, the choice is yours. The former has a polling option in the General settings. In HA you use an automation and the refresh_value service.

as a small clarification/addition to the above…

the “holes” in the Node ID’s aren’t completely lost forever.

if you eventually get enough devices to exceed the 255 Node Id list the controller will start over from the beginning and start using the unused node id’s.

At least that is my understanding…I’ve never seen or heard of anyone who has that many devices to know fore sure.

Thank you for your response. I figured that was the case. The reason I ask, is that I use the following format for my home network. My home segment is 192.168.10.xxx (from 11 to 249). I use DHCP - but I set reservations based on the room (for example my kitchen is .2x (meaning all network devices are 20-29) I would love to be able to assign a Device ID the same - but guessing this is not possible. :frowning:

I am looking into the various methods of the “polling” - as I just added one of my Schlage Locks - and was able to add a card to show the BATT level. Just want to get settled on a “good/easy” method - before I get too far into this. Are their any advantages to the z2m vs the other?

:question: Are there other templates other than the ones in HA already. For example the Battery Gauge for the Schlage Lock is an arch (where I can set thresholds and a needle) -but what about a line or bar graph?
