Z-Wave JS to MQTT - Eurotronics Spirit Thermostat - schedule Heating Periods

i’m trying to configure a scheduled heating period for my eurotronics temperature controller with category workdays and weekend and its individual time period. as i know there must be an helper for day and time and also an input field for target temperature. Further i will need an action, in my case i guess an service call with “zwave_js.set_config_parameter” to send an sedpoint to my entity / device / node

ok this ist the theory, but i have no idea how this automation configured.
who can help me ?

Device ID: 328-1-3 (0x0148-0x0003-0x0001)
Node ID: 4
entity_id: climate.thermostatic_valve
Value: Thermostat Setpoint - 4-67-0-setpoint (Value based in input from input_number)