Z-Wave JS UI Update has muddled my thermostat

I hope somebody knows how to fix this.

Since updating Z-Wave JS UI to Server version 13.0.0 today, my thermostat seems to be in a muddle with Celsius and Fahrenheit. In the Z-Wave JS UI web UI I can see this:

Which is correct. However, in HA I see this:

Whist the temperature is correct in the Controls section, it is wrong in the Sensors section.

The difference between 23.4 and -4.8 suggests a conversion between C and F. But the units are set to C in the settings for the Air Temperature entity.

Any suggestions on how to fix would be appreciated.

It would be helpful to know the make and model of the thermostat in question.

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Hi @mterry63

Thanks for the quick reply.

It’s a MH7H by McoHome Technology Co., Ltd.


What do Parameters 1 and 2 report in Z-wave-JS UI? I’m assuming the units are set to Celsius in the thermostat’s menu.

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You could try a re-interview node to see if that sorts it.

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Hi @mterry63

Could you tell me where I find Parameters 1 and 2 in Z-Wave JS UI?

I’m assuming the units on the thermostat are correct given that the temperture shown on the device only makes sense in C.

Thanks for your help

Hi @mterry63

Could you explain how I re-interview a device using Z-Wave JS UI?


Update to Z-Wave JS UI 9.16.1.


Take @freshcoast advice, he is the Z-Wave AI Bot for a reason. :slight_smile:


Hi @freshcoast

Sorry but, how do I do this update?


In order to answer that, I’d need to know how you installed it. I’ll take a guess and assume you’re using the HAOS add-on. In that case, your only options are 1) rollback to previous version by restoring a backup, or 2) wait until an add-on update is released.

If you’re not using the add-on, you’ll need to provide more info.

Hi @freshcoast

Your assumptions are all correct. I’ve rolled back to the previous version. This has restored normality - my system doesn’t think I’m going to freeze to death.

I’ll keep an eye out for further updates.

Thanks again!

For reference, Z-Wave JS UI v9.16.1 includes an update to Z-Wave JS driver v13.0.1, which includes a fix for a regression having to do with sensor scales (e.g. temperature units).

You can track the latest versions of the components at Z-Wave JS - Which version?, which shows the community add-on is at ZUI v9.16.0. Since v9.16.1 was released just a few hours ago, it will take a little time for the update to propagate to the add-on.