Z-Wave Light & Sunset Automation Causes Flickering & Occasionally Turns Off Light

I have this Z-Wave Lightbulb which is a group livingroom_lights with another LIFX bulb. If the light has already been turned on via an emulated_hue command with Alexa or via the Home Assistant app prior to the automation below executing the Z-Wave light flickers and sometimes will turn itself off when the automation fires.

The LIFX bulb in this group does not exhibit either the flicker issue or the turning off, it simply remains on as I would expect it to based on the automation.

Please help! I can provide details of logs if this would help, just please advise if you need home-assistant.log or OZW-log.txt, etc.

I’m running 0.44.1 on a Pi3 using the All-in-One Installer. All of my configuration files can be found in this GitHub repo.

- alias: Living Room Lights On At Sunset
  initial_state: True
  hide_entity: False
    platform: sun
    event: sunset
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
    entity_id: group.livingroom_lights
