Z-wave light turns off but turns on about 8 seconds after again


I have this light switch: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B001U3Z6YG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It works in HA but on some occasions I’ll use the Webui or Tasker, or even the switch itself to turn off the lights and about 8 seconds later they’ll turn on again. After a few times toggling it they’ll stay off but it’s obviously highly annoying.

Is there anything in HA or OZWCP that would be causing this? Thanks for any help!

Logs are your best friend in this case.
Check both the HA log and also the z-wave log file.

Here’s my OZW_log : http://hastebin.com/cadarulari.rib

When watching my USB stick in my Pi I can see it flash the light a few seconds after turning it off. It’s like it’s doubling the command or something. The blue light flashes again and my light switch activates again.

Any ideas?