Z-Wave.me Setup on Raspberry Pi3

Hi all,

I’ve just (three weeks ago) gotten my older Raspberry Pi3 from the shelf and setup HomeAssistant onto it. I bought it back in 2018 together with Z-Wave.me GPIO connected card. Obviously I’ld like to put that board to use too. The Problem is that I can’t install the Addon as descriped in the Z-Wave.me Doc

Problem seems to be that I can’t run the command mentioned in the GitHub ReadMe:

echo "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt" >> /mnt/boot/config.txt

I do have RaZberry 2 (with Improved antenna from '16 to '18)

For me it seems the HAOS is such a specificls tailored Linux so there’s no mountpoint /mnt/boot… I’m quite used to Debian (since '98) I’m very used to the default raspbian but am quite lost here!

And yes I’ve also read the HA Z-Wave.Me Integration Doc but that seems to be looking for the Addon installation as it’s asking for a http:// URL which I don’t have before installing the Addon…

I hope one of you has installed it that way and can gi’me a hint. :wink: