I have been putting this off, but the latest blog post makes me feel I should probably start looking at the migration. I have 63 Z-Wave Devices and 206 Entities.
I have hundreds of automations and scripts and 90% of them involve one or more Z-Wave devices or entities. It feels like if I do the migration I’m going to “break” pretty much everything, and I’m going to spend months getting it working again.
Am I right to be concerned, or is it a relatively painless process?
I recently migrated 21 devices and ~250 entities. Migration itself is very easy. Renaming entities might be painfull… BUT, most of entities that are automatically created by integration are in reality not used. I’d say that on average 2~3 entities per device is what you should expect that are really used. For example Fibaro Dimmer 2 have 18 entities, but I use only one - switch itself). So crucial part of preparation is to identify all actually used entities, make note of these and rename them later back to proper names. Other entities can be left with auto generated names and eventually renamed once you really need to use them (for retaining naming convention). Once you have names properly restored all automations,scripts, UI will continue to work like prior migration.