Z-Wave Motion Sensors Not Working?

Recently, any attempt to use a z-wave motion sensor has met with failure. It appears that I can add them, and they show up in my z-wave panel, but when I try to rename them, the new node name never seems to take hold. In addition, they never seem to transmit to my controller or they are stuck on reporting motion. I have tried both Fibaro & Zooz motion sensors, each with the same results. Any ideas?

EDIT: The new node seems to be stuck in Probe mode and I can’t wake it up

EDIT #2: Didn’t realize Rename Node has no effect anymore, changed in entity_registry.yaml, removed new_entity_ids from config.yaml and seems to be working …for now :confused:

make sure you add them as “secure node”

So all motion sensors need to be added as secure devices? I was able to get the Zooz to report to the controller for a few days, but last night it randomly got stuck on motion. The sensor is in the same room as the controller, but I didn’t add the sensor as secure