Z-wave needs attention

After upgrading Homeassistant to 2024.12.3 running in a docker container, the Z-wave integration no longer works. I updated the version of the JS-container and UI to

zwave-js-ui: 8.1.0
zwave-js: 10.3.0

Since it requires at least 9.26.

The error message is as follows: "Update the Z-wave JS server to a version that supports at least api schema 39.


Might want to read that again. If v9.26 is required, v8.1.0 is too old (8 < 9). So upgrade to at least 9.26, which is the Z-Wave JS UI version, not the driver version.

I’m using 9.27.7 in docker and it works fine.

Thank you Pete - where do you get the 9.27.7 version? I used a single container image for both JS and JS UI with the “lastest” tag (zwavejs/zwave-js-ui:latest)

If you use the latest tag then you need to manually pull the updated image. The image is cached and won’t update by itself.

Or you can use the 9.27.7 tag, and change the version every time you upgrade. Tools like docker compose will pull the missing tag automatically.

You need to pull the newest version. Do you have something like Portainer running?

Otherwise it may be worth a look to checkout GitHub - containrrr/watchtower: A process for automating Docker container base image updates.. You can use it to check for new container versions and send you a message to notfiy you.

Myself I never use the latest tag. I pick a specific version by browsing the release notes, never take a .0 release (same for HA). By specifying a specific version you can always recreate the container without causing a version upgrade. Or if you do upgrade and the new version doesn’t work, then it’s easy to roll back to something did work.