Z-Wave Neighbor Association with Multigang Setup

Hello everyone,

This is my first post, so please be easy on me! With that being said, I have a question about multigang setups with Z-Wave and neighbor association. My setup is working perfectly fine, so this is less of a debugging thread and more of a simple thread of questions about Z-Wave.

My current setup is Hassio running on a Pi3 with a Nortek HUSBZB-1 (sometimes referred to as Linear HUSBZB-1) usb stick, 2 GE 12722 switches, and 2 GE 12724 dimmers. The two switches and two dimmers are all in a 4-gang switch box and while all work, I noticed a slight issue on one of the dimmers. Sometimes the state doesn’t update, but usually it does so it doesn’t bother me too much. I looked into the attributes of the HUSBZB-1 controller and it shows it’s only associated with nodes 2 and 4 as neighbors. Node 2 is a switch and 4 is the dimmer that I never have an issue with.

I guess my questions are:

  1. Is it possible to manually specify which neighbors the stick sees (or looks for)? I ask because all 4 are definitely in range and I’d rather them communicate directly with the controller than through each other.
  2. Are there specific conditions I can set on the dimmer with the state loss to make things a little smoother? I’ve seen a few configuration suggestions and tried them and none seem to work.

You may need to enable polling for the GE switches and dimmers regardless of neighbor associations. The GE devices are notorious for not automatically updating their state.

Start by adjusting the polling and see if that fixes some of your issues.


  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
  polling_interval: 30000
  debug: true
  autoheal: false
    switch.under_cabinet_lights_switch: #GE switch
      ignored: false
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: 1
    light.theatre_room_level: #GE dimmer
      ignored: false
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: 1

As far as z wave and associations, not sure exactly how it works, but I believe the network is automatically selected based on signal strengths and response times. The network is dynamic so if a node drops off the network, other nodes have other paths back to the hub.

@squirtbrnr I have already tried messing with the polling, but have had no success. I will give it a shot again, however. I have tried changing the settings for the entire light/switch domain under the zwave configuration as well as the specific ones that give me a little trouble. I have added the autoheal and ignored as I have not used those before. Here’s what I’m testing now:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
  polling_interval: 30000
  autoheal: false
      ignored: false
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: 1
      ignored: false
      polling_intensity: 1

autoheal: false won’t change anything. that’s just a built in Z Wave function to heal the network of failed/dead nodes. HA does this automatically for you sometime overnight if set to “true”. Set to “false” means it does nothing.

I’d have to go back and read about the ignored: false line. I don’t exactly remember what it does, but I think it has to do with polling.

Gotcha. I will continue to play around with these and update the thread if I get anywhere.