Z-Wave network apparently unstable after reverting due to now-patched issue

Good morning all!

So I was unfortunately impacted by the “removing Z-wave devices for non-ready nodes” issue that was fixed in 12.10. For that patch, I want to say a huge thank you to those involved with fixing it as well as pushing out a patch and not making me wait until February.

Now to my question: when I was first presented with 50+ devices generically renamed to “GE Smart Switch” last week, I reverted to the last backup that didn’t exhibit this issue, which for me, was 2021.09.

Now that fixed the renaming issue, but ever since I restored from that 2021.09 backup onward, unfortunately seemed to have introduced a recurring instability into my Z-Wave network, which has persisted into my upgrade to 2021.12.10. The issue presents as a subset of devices that randomly “become unavailable” to Home Assistant whenever I try to interact with them. It is never the same device, and about 4-5 devices a day that do this. In the app, they usually show as “dead.”

About 75% of the time, if I immediately click “Re-Interview Device”, “Heal”, and then restart the Z-Wave JS service in Supervisor, the device will come back. The other 25% of the time, it won’t come back immediately but seems to fix itself overnight. Sometimes, I get a quick popup error message about “failed three times” that I have yet to be able to capture.

And here’s what it looks like in the Logbook.

So I guess I have a couple of questions.

1.) Where can I look in the logs to figure out what’s going on here?
2.) Is this a known problem, and what can I do to fix it?
3.) If it’s not known, does anyone have recommendations on a fix that doesn’t require me to factory-reset my entire Z-Wave network?

What kind of coordinator (Stick) do you have on your ZWave Network? Including model number…

A Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Plus S2 USB Stick ZST10 700

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In that case you’ve probably run headlong into a completely separate but otherwise as serious issue:

Yep, I believe I’m now getting hit with this 700 bug also. I have only moved 51 (out of !120) z-wave devices over from HomeSeer’s Z-NET, and no energy monitoring devices.

My entire z-wave network went down today (had to restart the VM as shutting down HA didn’t fix it), I’m assuming it was due to this bug.

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SL dropped update firmware for the 700 sticks today. some are testing to see if it fixed the issue.


Thank you, testing it now


Any updates on this? I’m having same issue, I have same stick

It’s orders of magnitude better. For me there are still times, my network gets “stuck”. I’ve submitted logs, now just waiting…

That said, if you’re running your network on a 700 chip controller it’s worth doing the update, no doubt.

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I’d go so far as to say if you’re running a 700 chip coordinator, consider this firmware the current absolute minimum baseline to be successful.