So I was unfortunately impacted by the “removing Z-wave devices for non-ready nodes” issue that was fixed in 12.10. For that patch, I want to say a huge thank you to those involved with fixing it as well as pushing out a patch and not making me wait until February.
Now to my question: when I was first presented with 50+ devices generically renamed to “GE Smart Switch” last week, I reverted to the last backup that didn’t exhibit this issue, which for me, was 2021.09.
Now that fixed the renaming issue, but ever since I restored from that 2021.09 backup onward, unfortunately seemed to have introduced a recurring instability into my Z-Wave network, which has persisted into my upgrade to 2021.12.10. The issue presents as a subset of devices that randomly “become unavailable” to Home Assistant whenever I try to interact with them. It is never the same device, and about 4-5 devices a day that do this. In the app, they usually show as “dead.”
About 75% of the time, if I immediately click “Re-Interview Device”, “Heal”, and then restart the Z-Wave JS service in Supervisor, the device will come back. The other 25% of the time, it won’t come back immediately but seems to fix itself overnight. Sometimes, I get a quick popup error message about “failed three times” that I have yet to be able to capture.
1.) Where can I look in the logs to figure out what’s going on here?
2.) Is this a known problem, and what can I do to fix it?
3.) If it’s not known, does anyone have recommendations on a fix that doesn’t require me to factory-reset my entire Z-Wave network?
Yep, I believe I’m now getting hit with this 700 bug also. I have only moved 51 (out of !120) z-wave devices over from HomeSeer’s Z-NET, and no energy monitoring devices.
My entire z-wave network went down today (had to restart the VM as shutting down HA didn’t fix it), I’m assuming it was due to this bug.