Z-Wave Not Working - "Retrying setup: None"

I had about 2 months where I had to do repairs on our lot and couldn’t keep track of anything else. During that time I noticed that my Z-Wave thermostats were no longer following their schedule and I had to change them by hand. Then I found that my HAOS system (on a Raspberry Pi) was not running at all. It disappeared from my LAN, so I brought it to my study to work on it. It wasn’t even booting.

I made a new HAOS system for the same Raspberry Pi. I use USB sticks on Pis because I’ve had a number of Pi systems crash with SDCards and I’ve had to repair the card after a power outage. I haven’t been having that issue with USB sticks. So put a new image, downloaded the week of May 30, on the Pi. I usd rsync to copy everything in the /hassos-data/supervisor directory from the old HAOS install to the new one. (The /hassos partition seemed undamaged.) It appeared that all my data from the old system was copied over when I booted the new system. However, I have 2 Z-Wave JS setups, one for my house, one for our barn. (The barn is another issue. Just working on the house first.) For Z-Wave, I’m using an Aeotec Z-Stick 7 Plus.

When it booted, I couldn’t access any Z-Wave devices. I get “Retrying setup: None.” I have no idea where the Z-Wave logs are. I’ve checked the Logbook, and I see the option to pick several Z-Wave entities, but none of them have any entries in them at all - so no clue what’s going wrong with the integration. I did find this alert about Z-wave devices, but from what I see, I should be able to at least get it up and running without fixing that issue.

I also found this thread here with someone else having a similar issue. I installed the Version add-on to check my version. Currently it’s 2022.6.4. I don’t know if that’s 7.1, 7.2, or what. (And I do see, in the thread, that the new version of HAOS should work okay with the Z-wave issue now.)

I’m not sure where to go from here. I don’t know if there are other logs I can find. I know this system only has logs for itself, not the older system. Still, I should be able to find something showing why it can’t connect with the Z-Wave add-on.

On a side note, my Insteon devices are working, so that makes me think the issue is only with the Z-wave add-on.

Addition: I accessed my partition on the older system, at /hassos-data/logs and copied them all over to my desktop system hoping I could go over them. They’re just binary data. Are they compressed? I can’t find any way to read them.

What’s the state of your Z-Wave JS integration? To find this, go to Settings / Devices and look towards the end of your list. If it looks similar to below, go to Configure and see what messages you can find.

When I bring up my integrations, I see this:
Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 10.08.19 PM
The top one is for the devices in my house. The 2nd one connects to a Pi running ZWave2MQTT in our barn for Z-Wave devices down there. For now, I’m focused on just getting the house working. (Once that’s done, I have questions about other options before I deal with the barn devices.)

When I click on the top one, for the house, I get this:
Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 10.07.43 PM

If I click on “Configure,” I get this:
Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 10.07.56 PM

Right now I’m considering creating a new install on another USB drive and seeing if I can get the integration to work there. If so, then I’ll have to figure out what files to copy over to keep all the devices and my other info and what not to copy that’s causing the error. But that’s just a guess about what else I can try.

The devices are saved on the Z-wave controller, not in HA itself. HA maps them to ‘friendly names’ that you give them (e.g. light.kitchen) but the devices haven’t gone anywhere, unless you’ve reset the controller, which is something most people don’t do. So running a fresh install will still ‘find’ the devices.

It’s possible that the add-on has become confused - assuming you’re up-to-date with your HA version, you’ll find that under Settings / Add-ons. If it’s not there, you’ll need to add it and tell it the USB location of your controller. If it’s there, check out its state and see if it needs to be updated / configured / started.

It’ll probably be tomorrow evening before I can do that.

I had problems copying over configuration files and got everything in the directory tree in the “supervisor” directory - on the partition, it was /hassos-data/supervisor - so I’m wondering if I could have missed something along the way. Maybe when I copied the directory over, I may have made HA think it has something set up that it doesn’t. I’m wondering, from what you’ve said, if I would have done better setting it up first, then tried to find the files that add-on used and copied them.

Are the friendly names in a config file? I take it the add-on stores them and not HA? Also, since the instance of ZWave2MQTT on my remote Pi (the one in the barn) has friendly names, I would think I can remove that instance of the Z-Wave add-on and re-add it and once it connects with my remote ZWave2MQTT, it should be okay.

I gave up on this and am starting from scratch. I’m still trying to restore some of the config files from the old server.

Hi! I am having a similar problem which occurred when I migrated from an SD card to an SSD drive.

I have just migrated my HA from an SD card to SSD (connected with USB to SATA adapter). The SSD is connected to the USB 3.0 port and the migration worked fine. I also had an Aeotec z-stick 7 connected to one of the USB 2.0 ports. After reading about the interference issues, I connected it with a 2m USB extension. I believe that I connected it to the same port but when I booted my HA after the migration, the integration caard says: “Retrying setup: None” and when I click on configure, I get: “Z-Wave JS: Retrying steup None” and an exclamation mark.

Any idea what went wrong and if I can somehow fix it? Or do I need to set up the integration again?

Thank you!