Working on getting HA running on my virtualization environment. Getting the VM up and running is no problem and I can pass through USB devices. However I am also working on setting up the VM environment to be highly available so I’d rather not use USB passthrough as if one host goes down the VM can migrate to another host. Doing lots of googling and for the most part I’m not seeing a z-wave ethernet adapter of any sort. I have found the zigbee ethernet adapter so I can use that for my zigbee stuff. I have seen a few posts over using z-wave.js but I’m not completely sure it’s what I’m really after as that is basically installing a rpi and then z-wave.js so at that point why do a vm. So what am I missing? Is there a z-wave ethernet adapter that I’ve missed or?
You can add ethernet to esp32 or buy dev board that has it prebuilt
Yes, you can use a Raspberry Pi and setup ser2net. Or buy this HomeSeer Z-NET Remote Z-Wave Interface with FREE HS4 Software
The simplest way for zwave over ethernet is raspberry pi with zwavejsui in docker
Easy to install and backul
I’ve tested High Availability and these are my conclusions.
So Z-Wave JS UI uses a websocket server to connect to home assistant. The nice thing about websockets is that they support multiple connections at once. I’ve tested this and was able to connect a single instance of Z-Wave JS UI to multiple home assistant instances.
I’ve also tested Ser2net. The way Ser2net works is it allows you to access a serial device over the network. From what I read a serial device wether local or networked can only be connected to one device at a time. I am pretty sure the last time I used Ser2net it wouldn’t allow me to connect it to multiple instances of Z-Wave JS UI. I could be wrong.
I too am migrating to running HASS in a highly available environment (a Proxmox cluster) and moving away from running Homeseer on a dedicated laptop with direct attached radio transceivers.
Stay away from the Homeseer Z-Nets, they’re an outdated solution. Simply buy or repurpose a RPi (I’m using a RPi4) and install ZWaveJSUI and Zigbee2MQTT on it and plug the Z-wave and/or Zigbee USB transceivers of your choice into it. You now have network enabled radios that can be addressed by any instance of HASS on your network. The added bonus is that multiple programs can access these now network enabled controllers. I have both Homeseer and HASS talking to the same RPi IP address and can slowly transition my automations from one platform to the other without having to rebuild my Z-wave or Zigbee network.
Awesome thanks for the responses. Sorry I haven’t checked in a week. I think I might have a rpi zero w floating around somewhere and a pi3b maybe. Gotta dig. Moved to a new place and haven’t found everything since.