Z-wave OTA (over the air) firmware update


i’m having issues with a Domitech zwave+ lightbuld that is turning itself on, which Domitech states has been solved in a firmware update. So I would like to update using OTA. Is there anyone that have any insight how this can be done? How to do it?

I’m using an aeotech Z-Stick Gen5 in a raspberry pi.

Domitech told me to ask aeotech and aeotech told me to ask domitech… So no answers from them, so hopefully someone knows here…

I would assume Domitech needs to provide the necessary software and/or firmware to make that possible. As far as I know, Home Assistant does not handle firmware upgrades of any kind.

Yupp! I received the firmware as a HEX-file from Domitech, but no software to transfer the firmware…

Later I got this from Aeotech:

"Using a hex file, you must use it through software or the gateway that supports firmware updates for your Domitech firmware update. I’m surprised that they don’t provide any firmware software for you to update your z-wave lamp in the case that your software does not have it.

To my knowledge, I only know that Homeseer HS3 has this ability as per current Z-Wave softwares that are available at this time.

You may be able to download the Homeseer HS3 software as a trial and perform the firmware update within 30 days of the softwares trial."

Seems like this OTA-thing with Z-wave is tricky…


I did an OTA update not long ago, but it was from an Aeotec zstick to an Aeotec multisensor. There’s a util on their site that runs under Windows.

Only issue is that you have to remove the node from your network and join an ad-hoc created by the util software. I did this BEFORE pairing the node into my system so it wasn’t an issue for me, but I’m not sure I want to OTA the other one since it’s working - and in Zwave, if it ain’t broke, sometimes fixing it makes it so. LOL