Z Wave Problems wit Energy Meter

Hi Guys,

Today I configured Z Wave for the first time. (UI controlled by the integration card). The problem is that my energy meter only sends its values once at the beginning. After that there were no new values. After trying to adjust the update rate (from 0 - 10) I only get error messages.

I took a picture of the log here.

How can I fix the problem?

At this Time is switch the Response rate to 1 but nothing happens now.

could it be, that my z wave sticks isn’t working?

Can you give more information on your setup? Device types used for your HA host (Raspberry?), your ZWave stick and the energy meter?

Aeotec Energy Meter? If so, here are a few links that might help. There are some old and long threads buried here in the forums too.


Thx for the fast response.

I use a raspi 4, with HassOS 5.0 (beta). Actual I use the Ui Lovelace and the Integrations cards (not only config.yaml)

My z wave stick is the aeotec, the Energy Meter too.

I use a aeotec range extender to connect both.

In the forum I found a lot but nothing with the same problem and a log like my.

These are really picky devices and they will spam your z wave network if not setup right. The default setting will basically do what you said and report once and never again. Attaching a screenshot of how I have the z wave parameters setup. The Group 1 report value is the key and it was determined through the config values in the links I posted previously. It breaks down to this:
1+2+4+8+256+512+524288+1048576 = 1573647
Based on:
1 Report Total KWH

2 Report Total Watt

4 Report Total Voltage (likely redundant value of clamp 1)

8 Report Total Current (Amps)

256 Report Watt for Clamp 1

512 Report Watt for Clamp 2

1024 Report Watt for Clamp 3

2048 Report KWH for Clamp 1

4096 Report KWH for Clamp 2

8192 Report KWH for Clamp 3

65536 Report Voltage for Clamp 1

131072 Report Voltage for Clamp 2

262144 Report Voltage for Clamp 3

524288 Report Current (A) for Clamp 1

1048576 Report Current (A) for Clamp 2

2097152 Report Current (A) for Clamp 3

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Tell me please what software is on your screenshot?

Thats from the old Zwave integration. It doesnt exist anymore.

I search a software for HEM settings. I suspech that new Z-Wave JS interface saves incorrect settings to my HEM. I want to set all parameters according to Excel table from Aeotec site but cannot find appropriate software for make it.

A mi me pasa lo mismo, zapato solo me entrega la lectura inicial y nada más. Porque será?