Z-wave qubino dimming problem

I’ve installed Qubino Flush Dimmers. Everything works as expected except dimming from HASS. I can turn on the lamp through the switch.xxxx_switch but not through light.xxxx_level, then it just returns to the original value. And if I dim on the physical push button the lamp gets dimmed and the value is changed within Hass. But if I dim through Hass nothing happens and the Brightness value is not updated.1

Aeon z-stick on RPi3 with Hass.io 0.74.2. All parameters are default

Solved by resetting the Z-wave network and starting over. Did go a bit to fast when I included all the devices. Now I only got a level entity that works :smiley:

What do you mean with reset the network? Heal? Soft reset?

It was a problem with the xml file for the z-wave network where I had changed the names of the devices. I removed the xml file and allowedit to be created again. Then I renamed in the UI instead. This featurewas just released as I got started.
