Hi all
I’m kind of new to this.
I did run a Raspberry Pi 3+ with Razberry2 configured in HomeAssistant.
Now my SD got toasted, and I need to set up a new config.
I’m running HA as a Phython Virtual Environment, on Raspbian.
As the version I was running only supported Phyton 3.5 I thought of upgrading to latest version of Raspbian with support for Phyton 3.7.3
I made a clean install and created a new HA install. I have a backup of the homeassistant directory, but what files should I copy to the new HA installation?
Back then I added three lines in configuration.yaml file, including the key.
In latest version there is an integration for Z-Wave.
Should I still edit the configuration.yaml, or is there a new way?
What files should I copy to get all my registered Z-wave devices back in the new setup?
(I’v got like 50 Z-wave devices. And would like to get it setup without re registring all deviceses)
Thanks for any help in advance…