I’ve been using HA for over a year. I’ve had reliability issues with z-wave from day 1. I’ve done a couple fresh installs of ubutnu and HA to try and fix it. This hasn’t ever made any difference. What am I doing wrong?
I’m using an Aeotec Gen5 z-stick with GE switches. Some of my switches are rock solid, some of the switch states don’t update in HA, and others end up in a failed state and the only fix is to unpair/repair. Any ideas?
I had one switch that was doing similar and it ended up being a neutral line that was intermittent. It caused the switch to go on/offline and cause all sorts of issues. Once that was fixed a lot of other little things cleared up too…
I have had reliability issues that repeated unpair/pair, reinstall, polling etc. weren’t able to fix. I did have sucess with repotitioning switches, (swaping auxiliary and dimmer in three way setups) and adding zwave bulbs and other non battery devices to fill in and spread the zwave network. At least up to a point, I think more devices the better.