Home Assistant + Z-Wave newbie here. My initial, modest goal is to get a single humidity sensor hooked up. I have a raspberry pi 3 b+ and went with the Hassbian install. I’ve got the Aeotec Z-Stick hooked up into a usb port, and grabbed a Monoprice 15902 multi-sensor.
I went through the process of pairing via the Home Assistant UI (add node), and everything seemed great initially. I was seeing all of the sensor entities (humidity, temperature, luminance, etc) and was able to get them all on the home dashboard. I was a happy camper.
Then I moved my pi, which obviously necessitated a restart. Upon booting back up, those same entities that were giving me values before on the dashboard are now reporting as “Entity Not Available”, and when I go to my z-wave configuration in the UI, that sensor is reporting as a Probe (previously it was “dynamic”), and the only assigned entity visible is a “binary_sensor” type.
So I un-paired and re-paired, and again initially everything was good. Then I forced a reboot to test it out, and now I’m back to the same thing. I’m tailing the OZW logs on the pi itself, and am in fact seeing the sensor values come back, but for some reason home assistant can’t see that?
Looking for some tips here. Like I said I’m a newbie to home assistant and z-wave and I understand there are probably some intricacies of the z-wave sensor that I’m not used to working with, but the fact that the logs have the values that home assistant doesn’t see has me confused as to next steps since it seems that the connection between sensor and controller is strong.
I have tried all sorts of combinations of “refresh node” and “heal network” and “heal node”, none of those have any effect on what’s available to home assistant.
Also as a side note - where the heck does the zwave configuration get stored? I expected to see a zwave section in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml
but it’s not there. It must be somewhere, otherwise I wouldn’t see anything in the UI, correct?