I’ve got a Raspberry 3 running hass.io and Home Assistant 0.83. The Pi has a RaZberry v2 controller and 8 z-wave devices. Two of these devices are Telldus TZWP-100 switches which I have grouped together. The group is automated to switch on at sunrise and off at sunset. Mostly this works but once in a while one of the switches will not turn on or off, which is annoying. I’m wondering if the command that is not executed really reaches the controller, if it did the z-wave protocol would make sure it’s executed, right?
Check the OZW log on the zwave integration page. It’s not easy to read but should give you some indication if the command was sent, and the response (if any).
Is the switch that sometimes fails far away from your controller?
You can also try, in the automation, to do a short delay and send the commands again. It’s a dirty ugly hack but will help you understand where it’s failing.
You can also use wait_template to ensure the device state changes and send you an alert if it doesn’t do you can track down when/why.