Z-Wave woes - Pairing Philo PSP05

Admittedly first time with anything Z-Wave. I am using an Aeotec Z-Stick 7 which was picked up by my HA inside a VM just fine. Configuration was straightforward and quick too.

However, I have no end of issues pairing new devices. I will try 10-20 times and out of those attempts, even though I am pretty sure I am repeating the same steps, only 1 attempt is successful at pairing my Philo PSP05 PIR sensors. And once I have a sensor paired, the devices go into “sleep” mode by design. With no setting to get around this. The manual states this and acts as if it’s normal! One would think, motion would bring it out of sleep again, but it doesn’t appear too.

To cap it off, they don’t even behave like proper PIR sensors. The sensor stays permanently in “Detected” mode. The so-called “Binary sensor” setting doesn’t stick though I think this could be because the device is in “sleep” and the setting doesn’t reach it? Fine, you could say all of this is fixable using config but then I look at the PIR itself and it doesn’t detect any motion after a few minutes. It’s like it’s asleep until I remove the battery and reinsert. All 3 behave in the same way.

Worst experience with any sensors I’ve purchased to date. They are certainly not capable of working with HA out of the box. Anyone have much success? I went for them because they come with a nice spot light fixture. Nothing else comes close in terms of design and aesthetics.


No any experience with Philo, but a lot with other Zwave PIR’s.

I have some Fibaro and Neocam PIR’s, as well as Technisat (Hank) door/window sensors here.

The sleep behavior of yours is correct. They are always asleep. That does not affect the working of such sensor. They do send state info in sleep mode. They only can’t receive config updates in sleep.
So, if you want to alter the settings instantly, you have to manually awake them. Or, if you don’t awake them, the changes are stored in an queue, and received, when the device awakes automatically. That happens once a day.

What seems to be crucial for good working of battery powered Zwave device’s is a good mesh. And a good mesh can only be achieved with the presence of also mains powered devices such as wall outlets, switches and such. They do act as repeaters and battery powered devices do not. A whole house network can’t be achieved without having some repeaters here and there…

And for yours Aeotec Z-stick, please ensure, you are having the latest firmware on it. The older firmware are know for being very buggy :wink: