Z-Wave/Z-UNO upgrade from Vera to HA - opinion sought

Due to continuing unreliability of my smarthome system based on a Vera Controller, I am considering a system upgrade based on HA , RPi4 and Aeotec Z-stick Gen 5+.

The current system based on a VeraPlus device comprises of several zwave connected sensors, switches and door locks. Plus a remote Z-UNO device that runs Arduino sketches to control several switching relays and incorporates a couple of digital inputs.

As the Z-UNO device plays an important part in the current system, I am seeking advice and confirmation that the planned upgrade will display the Z-UNO connected components through HA.
Could somebody advise please? Thank-you…



I do have this one here: https://store.zwavecenter.com/image/catalog/PDF/Haseman_DRS6-AI_Datasheet.pdf

It is an Z-uno with a nice jacket.

Works fine here, all functions present in HA and 100% reliability.

Hope it helps :wink:

Ok thanks BebeMischa for your response. I assume the product you mention was ‘off the shelf’ and already programmed with fixed inputs and outputs?

The Z-Uno product I mentioned is programmed by the user with Arduino scripts to specify conditions of the chip connections, ie, input/outputs, digital/analogue, PWM etc…
I have done this to create 8x outputs to operate external switching relays, and 2x digital inputs for door sensors.

Maybe the Z-Uno product I mention is different?

Just in case you have not found it yet, you may want to take a look at ESPHome. While not Z-Wave, ESPHome can very easily be configured to run on any ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller to achieve similar results to the Z-Uno. It is all built into Home Assistant and is fully supported by the Nabu Casa team. It is really a great piece of the HA architecture.

OK, thanks ogiewon, will take note of your comments and do some research.

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That is correct.